
Have a look at what we do

Agrisano Fresh Integrated Horticultural Facility


Mallala, South Australia


Agrisano Holdings Pty Ltd


Agriculture, Food and Beverage 


Statutory and Land Use Planning

Development Advisory and Feasibility


On behalf of Agrisano Holdings Pty Ltd, MasterPlan successfully navigated the planning approvals process, including an appeal to the Environment Resources and Development Court, to assist in the delivery of an integrated horticultural facility for fruit and vegetable production.

The Agrisano Fresh facility is a pioneering project in South Australia, utilising advanced technology greenhouses with an innovative growing system developed in Spain for dry Mediterranean climates, which does not rely on soil or other traditional growing media.

The proposal included the staged development of 10 greenhouses on the subject land, along with a nursery, staff amenities, parking and internal roadways.

MasterPlan was intimately involved in all stages of the approval process, including preliminary research of similar greenhouse projects in the Almeria region of Spain, an environment with similar climatic conditions to South Australia.


Tonkin Consulting


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